Loki Support Pages/No RPMs
Installing RPM's on non-RedHat systems
Some vendors, like 3dfx, have chosen RPM as their distribution format
because many distributions support RPM, or can at least convert RPM
to their native package format. Loki uses self-extracting archives
(usually with a GUI installer) and compressed tarfiles, but we do
not repackage drivers and system conponents.
Installing a package without an installer is not a trivial task.
Furthermore, installing a package from a hardware vendor might
conflict with the version provided by your distributor (e.g. the
XF86_SVGA server from 3dfx conficts with RedHat).
There are several tools available to help you in handling RPM files
on systems that do not have that ability.
The simplest solution is probably to get alien,
a program for converting between package formats. Debian uses alien to handle RPM,
and you can onvert them to *.deb packages.
RPM files can also be converted to cpio archives, using e.g.
a rpm2cpio.pl perl script (taken from Daryll Strauss'
Linux Glide documentation). Use rpm2cpio.pl [whatever.rpm] | cpio -i --create-directories.
It is recommended doing this in /tmp/ or some other "sandbox" to check the destinations
and then moving the files to an appropriate place.
You can get RPM from http://www.rpm.org/ and use it
for just the driver packages. The site also offers other tools and documentation.
The absence of a vendor-neutral version numering scheme and the lack of a standard
installer and a standard interface with vendor-specific package management databases
makes it very difficult for hardware vendors to provide drivers. The
Linux Standard Base is adressing the first issue.