Prepare for the ultimate in sorcery: Heretic II is now available for Linux! Power up your mana and help Corvus find the cure to a plague of epic dimensions -- and save the worlds of D'sparil before it's too late!
A high-powered and mystical three-dimensional environment will enthrall you, with spectacular sound and visual effects, non-stop action and adventure. Prepare to be ensnared in the visual feast that is the worlds of D'sparil.
Thanks to a little coding sorcery from Loki, Activision's and Raven's latest third-person adventure game is now available for Linux-based computers. Gird yourself for a long and arduous quest!
Be sure to visit http://www.hereticii.com/ for great tips, tricks, extra maps and more, all for Heretic II! #endtext# #beginform##formid##endform# #endtable#